The objectives in mire conservation

LIFE AMooRe aims to kick-start the implementation of the Peatland Strategy Austria 2030+. On the one hand by directly implementing actions within the project, and on the other hand by developing the necessary base for further implementation after the end of the project.

The Peatland Strategy Austria 2030+ as part of the national and EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 contributes to the implementation of the relevant (EU-) legislations. The focus is on achieving the objectives of the Habitats and Birds Directive. However, due to its scale, this project will also make a significant contribution to climate protection and climate change adaptation at regional level.

At the present, it is not possible to fully protect and restore the Austrian peatlands. In addition to the limited awareness of the importance of peatlands for our society among many stakeholders, this is also due to the fact that the necessary knowledge, specialised experts and complex logistics for large-scale implementation are currently not available in the required quality and quantity. This project aims to substantially reduce this deficit.

At the end of the project, action and decision-making basis, developed with all those directly and indirectly affected, should be available to enable the full implementation of the Peatland Strategy Austria 2030+. This will ensure that Austrian peatlands can play their key role in the fight against biodiversity loss and climate change, and for water and soil protection in line with European environmental policies.

Das Bild zeigt eine moortypische Vegetation.© Schröck

The objectives of AMooRe are fully aligned with the fields of action and measures of the Peatland Strategy Austria 2030+

The objectives:

  1. Creation of basic conditions for the protection of peatlands
  2. Protection and development of mires
  3. Protection and development of peat soils
  4. Reducing domestic peat extraction and peat imports and increasing the use of peat-free products in horticulture
  5. Raising awareness
  6. Expanding expertise on peatlands

In order to achieve these goals, an action programme
consisting of 13 work packages was developed:

Technical, financial and guideline-compliant handling of the project

  • Strengthening general awareness of the environmental relevance and endangerment of mires and peat soils in the sense of the Austrian Peatland Strategy 2030+ in society at large
  • Dissemination, promotion and communication of project activities and results
  • Networking with other LIFE projects and peatland experts
  • Identification and mitigation of administrative barriers to the full implementation of the peatland strategy by developing joint solutions with stakeholders, thereby supporting the implementation within and outside the project at the administrative level
  • Holding peatland platforms and stakeholder dialogues on specific issues and problems
  • Creation of a strategic basis for action and decision-making
  • Development and improvement of the necessary expertise and implementation methods
  • Establishment of a peatland expert network
  • Basic surveys on GHG-emissions from peatlands in Austria
  • Study on the hydrology of selected peatlands in Austria
  • Ensuring the exchange between the good-practice-projects and applying previously generated findings
  • Increasing cost efficiency
  • Knowledge transfer on the topic of local participation
  • Improvement of the ecological situation and the water balance in selected mires in Vorarlberg
  • Creation and improvement of habitats for flora and fauna
  • Optimisation of flood safety and agricultural use
  • Improving the conservation status of selected mires in Tyrol
  • Resolving conflicts relevant to nature conservation
  • Improvement of visitor infrastructure
  • Improvement of the conservation status of selected mires in Styria
  • Restoration of typical peatland habitat types
  • Hydrological restoration of the largest raised bog in Austria
  • Restoration and improvement of the conservation status of selected mires in Upper Austria
  • Improvement of selected mires in Lower Austria
  • Restoration of typical peatland habitat types
  • Establishment of an active and qualitative peatland protection up to the regional level
  • Education, training and lectures for various target groups, such as area managers, experts and planning companies

Review of achievement of objectives within AMooRe

Coordination, mobilisation and monitoring of complementary funding resources

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