LIFE AMooRe is a Strategic Nature Project (SNaP) under the EU’s LIFE funding programme, which supports the implementation of the Peatland Strategy Austria 2030+. It is only the second integrated LIFE project and also the largest peatland project in Austria to date. The project was submitted in the 2022 call for strategic projects, approved at the end of 2023 and started on 1 January 2024.
However, AMooRe is not only exceptional because of its size, but also because of the composition of its committee. All 9 federal states and the two responsible ministries BML and BMK have joined forces for this project in order to promote peatland protection in Austria. They are receiving scientific support from the University of Vienna and the Kiel University.
Reference: LIFE22-IPN-AT-LIFE-AMooRe/101104368
Acronym: LIFE22-IPN-AT-LIFE AMooRe
Start Date: 01/01/2024
End Date: 31/12/2033
Budget: 44,230,666 €
EU Funding: 26,538,396 €
With an implementation area of around 1400 ha (of which approx. 1165 ha are favoured areas), the conditions for 13 different habitat types and 37 associated species of high conservation value in accordance with the Habitats Directive will be improved.
LIFE is the only EU funding programme that exclusively supports environmental and nature conservation as well as climate policy projects. LIFE thus contributes to the implementation and further development of environmental policy and promotes sustainable development in the EU.
The preservation of biodiversity is an important objective of the European Union. The Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora) and the Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds) serve as the legal basis for the designation of Natura 2000 sites. Together, these areas form a europe-wide network of protected areas. A sub-programme of LIFE is therefore entirely dedicated to the environment, in which, among others, projects on the topic of ‘biodiversity’ are funded.
Strategic or integrated LIFE projects promote EU environmental and climate policy by co-financing and thus enabling the implementation of national plans or strategies. These projects are characterised by a large implementation setting and the essential commitment of relevant stakeholders. The aim is also to mobilise complementary funding beyond the projects.