Condition of mires

There is a need for action

The conservation status of peatlands is worrying in large parts of Europe. According to Paternoster et al. (2021), over 90 % of Austrian mires are in need of restoration. This critical situation requires substantial changes at many levels. The UN and EU therefore launched the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration in 2021. Member states are encouraged to rewet peatlands and fulfil their international obligations, including the Paris Climate Agreement. For Austria, this means that active measures for water protection, the reduction of local greenhouse gas emissions and the long-term conservation of biodiversity must be taken quickly in line with European policies regarding nature conservation, water and climate. Against this background, the Peatland Strategy Austria 2030+ was created as an integral part of a cross-sectoral process and part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030.

Drainage in particular, but also overbuilding, eutrophication, inappropriate peatland management and climate change are still damaging or destroying mires today and have led to a sharp decline.

The conservation status of Austria’s FFH mire types based on the current Article 17 report (Ellmauer et al., 2019) and for the mires not included in the Habitats Directive according to an expert assessment by IG Moorschutz:

Conservation status according to Article 17 Report 2013 - 2018

FFH-Lebensraumtypalpine Regionkontinentale Region
7120Lebende Hochmooreungünstig-schlechtungünstig-schlecht
7120Degradierte Hochmooreungünstig-schlechtungünstig-schlecht
7210Kalkreiche Sümpfe mit Cladiumungünstig-unzureichendungünstig-unzureichend
Moortypalpine Regionkontinentale Region
Basenarme Niedermooreungünstig-schlechtungünstig-schlecht
Die Grafik veranschaulicht, dass alle Erhaltungszustände der FFH-Moortypen ungünstig-unzureichend bis ungünstig-schlecht sind. Dies gilt ebenfalls für den Moortyp „Basenarme Niedermoore“. © Moorstrategie Österreich 2030+
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